The Un-Faithful Marriage Of Marketing & Sales! (Does This Ring A Wedding Bell?)

Right guys...

Today, we want to talk about something that's so taboo that your parents might not agree with this relationship & may have end up arranging the marriage for you themselves!

You know what I'm talking about...

It's a conversation that's always swept under the rug, especially in business.

Everyone wants to pretend it's not an important conversation, but no one wants to face the big fat hairy woolly mammoth in the room!

And that is...

The importance of sales and marketing teams working together!

Yes, I know what you're thinking...

"Sales & Marketing? The odd couple of the business world?"

The couple at the wedding in the corner that don't really like each other but they know...

They'd be lost without each other, so they put their differences aside just for the kids!

But, hold on, we're about to turn that notion on its head and show you why these two teams should be best friends & wedded in holy matrimony, till death do them part.

You see, sales and marketing...

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So, you're probably thinking...

"What's this magic trick that get's anyone to say YES to you?"

Just to let you know it's not a magic trick & you don't need to be a super Sayan salesperson to pull this off.

All you need to do is learn one trick & one trick alone that will help you close more deals in sales.

So what is that trick you ask?

Ok it's not a trick its an easy technique that anyone can learn & add into their sales conversation, so what is it?


What are trial closes exactly?

Trial closes are small closes & questions you slot into every conversation & or sales encounter to test your prospects warmth & to also get them in the habit of saying yes to you because...

Human beings are creatures of habit, & habits are formed & once they are formed, they are very hard to break!

So, whenever you engage in conversation with someone especially in a sales situation & you want to genuinely help someone resolve their problems by way of your...

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Ok, so todays newsletter is all about giving you some serious sales tactics that F***king WORK!

No fluff, just pure tactics to help you SELLMORE!

So here goes...

Selling is a delicate balance of understanding what to say and when to say it, am I right in saying?

One of the most important aspects of selling especially cold calling is asking the right questions. Asking questions not only helps you understand your prospect's needs and pain points, but it also helps build rapport and trust. By asking questions, you can gather important information about your prospect's budget, decision-making process, and buying habits.

Now when you ask your prospects questions it's important you let your prospect speak, collect the data, address what they just said, talk about that for a second & use that to lead you into your next question & how by doing this it helps build rapport, helps you know how to sell to your prospects, what to sell them & what their affordability may be, whilst...

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Here's How You Can Close More Deals By Becoming The Industry Expert!

Imagine yourself in the shoes of a prospect...

They're in the market for a new product or service, and they're considering a few different options. As they research and compare their options, they come across a salesperson who seems to know everything there is to know about not only their own offering, but also those of their competitors.

You would think...

This guy is a serious professional, am I right in saying?

This salesperson is able to provide detailed comparisons and explain the unique advantages of their own offering in the context of the entire market.

Well, This salesperson could be you!

As a sales professional, it's crucial to be perceived as an industry expert, why?

It helps you to anticipate and address objections, and to establish yourself as a trusted advisor to your customers. Additionally, being an industry expert can help you to identify new business opportunities, and to stay current on industry trends and developments. This can give you a competitive edge and...

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How To Make ANYONE Fall In LOVE With You!

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2023

Here's How To Make Sure A Girl NEVER Falls In Love With You!

This is something 99.9% of people do & it is a sure fire way to dry up all of your relationships quicker than

Gandhi's flip flop in the Sahara Desert...

When you walk up to a girl in a bar, you drop a smooth one liner, ask her what's her name, find out a bit more about her, make her laugh, chat her up & pay a genuine interest in her & then...


You ask her for her number & if you've Done all the steps right, she gives it to you! Now it is important you give her phone a call there & then to make sure she hasn't given you a fake number lol, but let's say she has given you her real number...

What happens next?

Then you start to play the game!

You wait a couple of days, Drop her a text, find out a bit more about her, flirt with her & then you ask the next question...

Do you want to meet up for a drink & a bite to eat?

And she says YES!

So you go on a second date, then...

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How To Strategical & Consistently Earn More Money As A Sales Person!

So, You're reading this newsletter today because you want to know how to create consistent income & consistently close more deals for yourself, am I right in saying?

You're probably experiencing or have experienced the biggest killer of sales people, business owners or any self employed person which is...


Within your first few months on the job you started earning more money than you knew what to do with but then something happened...


The water supply dried up, the crops died & you were left hungry!

You're probably thinking...

How do I know this? Well, have you ever heard the saying... "Been there, got the T-shirt!"

I have that T-shirt  hanging in my office starring me in the face making sure I never experience a famine EVER AGAIN!

Now, As a sales professional, business owner or self employed individual one of the keys to success is having a consistently full pipeline. A full pipeline ensures a steady stream of potential deals &...

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Sell Like A Doctor

Have you ever thought about how open & honest we are with doctors, even if we have never met them before, but when we go to them, we tell them & show them things that are extremely personal, that we probably wouldn't tell anyone, even the people closest to us?

Quite interesting right?

But have you ever asked yourself, why you find it easier to open up to a doctor & let them know about your problems so transparently?

My answer to that is...

Because they are perceived as non-judgemental professionals who are there to do their job & solve your problem.

You see, people defer to professionals & open up to those who they feel can help them solve their problems.

Doctors have a great ability at a number of things...

First of all, they're great at detaching from their emotions & remaining neutral which is extremely important to getting your clients to open up to you.

When you remain neutral & slightly detached it shows that you are just there to do your job, solve...

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 First of all I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to you my subscriber & reader for taking the tie out to read my weekly newsletters & I really do hope they add value to you on a weekly basis!

Todays newsletter is all about the secret that the highest earners in the world use to monetise their success & strategy pays the HIGHEST Dividends.

Thing is there is loads of strategies that pay high returns, but this ONE strategy is the one that I see I the most common in every industry with the highest earners & top performers in the world that keep people RACING to them with their money!

And we have all been guilty of it, we run to these people & don't even question their products or service, we just run & pay any price they ask, sometimes we don't even take the time out to look into their products in depth, we just run with cash in hand ready to put into their pockets!

So, what is this secret I'm talking about & why does it make us RUN to these people...

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You're probably thinking...

How is there 5 steps to every single conversation, every conversation is different! What about when I talk to my kids, friends & family, they don't have steps to them... Or do they?

You see every single conversation follows a format & when it comes to sales, the best sales people understand this & consciously use this format to get what they want! And you're probably thinking... 

"Santino what are these 5 steps then?"?

I'll tell you...

So the more you become aware of this the more you will notice the pattern with everyone you speak to & how you can tailor the conversation to get whatever outcome you want!

So The 5 Steps To Every Single Conversation Are...

  1. Introduction
  2. Short Story
  3. presentation
  4. Close
  5. Consolidation

So right now what I want to do is give you a comprehensive break down with some examples of how these 5 steps are the steps that you use every time you have a conversation with someone, so let's get straight to it!


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In todays blog I want to share with you a step by step formula that will show you how you can literally land any job in any industry in less than a week!

This is a formula that I have tried & succeeded in many times & so have my students who have implemented this strategy too!

What you will learn, is the complete framework in landing a job but not just any job, your dream job in a matter of days. Everything covered in this newsletter is a step-by-step guide in how you can land the job of your dreams, but it is important that the formula must be followed to a T!

Step 1.

Never call a business if you are looking to go and work with them, this shows a lack of real desire to work with them, you want to be different & people naturally want to see who they are employing, over the phone can be deceiving to a certain level & also what you need to bare in mind is that the owner or manager is probably busy and the likelihood of them forgetting about you the second they hang up...

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