Sell Like A Doctor

Have you ever thought about how open & honest we are with doctors, even if we have never met them before, but when we go to them, we tell them & show them things that are extremely personal, that we probably wouldn't tell anyone, even the people closest to us?

Quite interesting right?

But have you ever asked yourself, why you find it easier to open up to a doctor & let them know about your problems so transparently?

My answer to that is...

Because they are perceived as non-judgemental professionals who are there to do their job & solve your problem.

You see, people defer to professionals & open up to those who they feel can help them solve their problems.

Doctors have a great ability at a number of things...

First of all, they're great at detaching from their emotions & remaining neutral which is extremely important to getting your clients to open up to you.

When you remain neutral & slightly detached it shows that you are just there to do your job, solve your clients problems & not pass judgement, the minute you feel someone is judging you, you immediately close up & deflect from sharing personal information, doctors are masters at coming across neutral & non judgemental which makes you more relaxed & at ease to opening up to them.

They are also fantastic at asking great qualifying & probing questions that allow them to build a clear picture of what your problem is, so that they can offer or prescribe a solution that best solves your problem.

You never go to a doctor & before they ask questions, they just ram prescriptions down your throat, that would be unethical & probably wouldn't solve your problem because the prescriptions could be for absolutely anything.

They ask questions, probe the effected areas & diagnose the problem & then offer a tailored solution to solve that problem, if you walked in & they just through tablets at you with no questions you wouldn't see them as a professional & would probably report them!

Sales is no different!

What most sales people do is, ram product, features & benefits down their prospects throat & wonder why they don't buy anything or why sales people get a bad name?

When sales people do this, you can tell all they want to do is make a commission by any means necessary & don't care about diagnosing & solving the customers problems.

The most effective sales people take the doctors approach...

Before pitching or presenting any product, they ask inquisitive & probing questions deigned to help them build a picture of the clients problems, wants & needs, which then allows the sales person to understand exactly what product or service fits the criteria & also the best way to angle the presentation to ensure the client I happy to subscribe to the prescription i.e. happily buy your product or service.

This is what separates the average sales people from the top sales people!

It's also important to note that the best sales professionals take the neutral approach too & detach their emotions & judgement from the sales process, they attack it as if they are there to just do their job, with no judgement & solve their customers problems, this is where you will find your prospects will open up to you in great depth about their personal situation, which in turn helps you understand how you can tailor your offer & or pricing to make sure your customers can buy!

Without having all the information & allowing your prospects to open up to you, you will never fully understand their situation & how to tailor your plans or price plans so that it best suits their needs, making it easier for them to buy!

As a sales person you need to be seen as a neutral professional who is there to do one thing & that is to help your clients get the best result possible & solve their problems with no judgement.

If you are interested in finding out what the best questions to ask any prospect in order to get them to open up to you, so that you can SELL MORE, In a few weeks I am releasing an enclosed eNewsletter that ONLY my subscribers to this newsletter will get access to, where I will be sharing the exact questions I ask that get my prospects to open up to me completely, allowing me to sell as much as I like to them.

If you want access to these questions & the enclosed group, make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button below so you can be included!

Oh & Remember...

Let's Grow, Scale & Sell...




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