Cutting through the Sales Noise: The Simple Art of Being Direct

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2023

One guru says this, another guru says that…

And before you know it you don’t know who to listen to, am I right?

The world is saturated with guru’s teaching you what may work for them but doesn’t work for everyone!

Selling is not one size fits all, it’s dissecting different strategies, testing them and finding which ones best suit your personality type.

Grant says this, Jeremy says that, Andy says something something else and has a completely different approach and before you know it your sales pitch just sounds like total waffle 🧇

So what is the correct method?

Through selling for my entire career over the last 10 years I have found that there is only one strategy that is COMPLETETLY FOOL PROOF, and that is…

Just be direct!

When someone asks you a question, answer it directly, if you feel someone isn’t the right fit, tell them directly, if someone asks price or has an objection, attack it head on and answer it directly like you would your closest friend.

People are completely aware that you’re trying to use sales tactics on them, what they don’t expect is…

Complete honesty and directness!

The second you start being more direct you will disarm and shock your prospects, setting yourself apart from the rest!

The second they can see how direct you are, immediately they can sense that you’re a man/woman of your word and immediately build trust with them.

Moral of the story…

Don’t disregard strategies from guru’s but don’t let those strategies over power your personality and your ability to be honest and direct!


Your brother,

Santino Santoro



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