From Novice to $25,000 in Sales in 1 Month! A Success Story

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2023

Want to know how someone with no experience in sales closed just over $25,000 in their first month of sales?


So I recently had a training with a client who wanted to get started in high ticket sales, he had never had any experience in sales previously, however…


He knew that the quickest and best way to earn a good living was through sales so…


He approached me and asked me to train him for a month, we covered everything from:

- script writing

- pitch practice

- Objection handling

- Tonality

- Voice rhythm


We trained twice a week for an entire month and before you know it… He was ready!


Within his first month he quickly went off and closed $25,000 in cash collected! I jumped on a call with him the other day and asked him…

How’s your follow up going? And he said, what follow up?


Turns out he closed all these deals on their first call and I said to him, if you’ve done that on the first call, did you know…


That 20% of deals close on the first call and 80% in the follow up!


So we’ve now moved onto follow up training and I cannot wait to see what happens with him in the next couple of months!


When it comes to sales, it’s like going to the gym, the more you train, the stronger you get!


You don’t have to have the gift of the gab, you just need a good coach and to train!


If you’re interested in the secrets that I shared with James, I have dropped a link below where you can book in a call with myself and pick my brains…


Feel free to click on the link and find out these strategies…


Click Here For A Free Sales Strategy Session!


Look forward to speaking!

Your brother,

Santino Santoro



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