So, you're probably thinking...

"What's this magic trick that get's anyone to say YES to you?"

Just to let you know it's not a magic trick & you don't need to be a super Sayan salesperson to pull this off.

All you need to do is learn one trick & one trick alone that will help you close more deals in sales.

So what is that trick you ask?

Ok it's not a trick its an easy technique that anyone can learn & add into their sales conversation, so what is it?


What are trial closes exactly?

Trial closes are small closes & questions you slot into every conversation & or sales encounter to test your prospects warmth & to also get them in the habit of saying yes to you because...

Human beings are creatures of habit, & habits are formed & once they are formed, they are very hard to break!

So, whenever you engage in conversation with someone especially in a sales situation & you want to genuinely help someone resolve their problems by way of your product or service, it’s vitally important that you get them in the habit early on of saying yes to you so you can get your products in their hands to help them with ease!

The more someone says yes to you, the harder it is for them to say no, which means...

They are more likely to say YES, when it comes time to ask for the sale or the final commitment.

In this document I have outlined 112, probably every single trial closes you could possibly think of, so you can just take the necessary ones & slot them into your conversations to help get you more yes’.

Now, I also have a little bit of homework for you...

For further proof, I want you to go on Netflix & watch ‘Derren Brown - The Push’. It’s an experiment the all famous magician Darren Brown constructed to see if he could get a complete stranger to commit murder in 90 minutes by using social pressure, social cues & verbal & physical trial closes.

The statistics in sales alone from not using trial closes to implementing trial closes in a sales process has proven to increase sales conversions by a whopping 75%!

Think about it...

Whenever you’re use to saying Yes to someone, you find it very hard to break that habit to say no!

It’s the same in selling (every conversation is a sale by the way), you want to help your prospects & serve them in the highest way possible, & the only way to do that is to get your product or service into their hands, so make it as easy as possible for them, so they can enjoy the benefits of what you have to offer.

Here are a few trial closes I use that you can start using right away...

  • Does that make sense?
  • Do you get what I mean?
  • Are you with me?
  • Is that all right?
  • Would this work for you?
  • Can you see how this does X?

Now these are only a small handful to what's out there, just so you know...

There's actually up to 112 trial closes you can use in EVERY single sales situation.

Now, I do have to ask...

Please make sure you use these trial closes wisely & ethically. Remember the goal of sales is to serve & to help your prospects make educated decisions & to take positive action in order for you to add value to their lives & better their current circumstances.

So, start using trial closes in absolutely every conversation you have & I guarantee you... You will see a major increase in engagement, interaction, responses & sales!

It’s not even worth questioning & testing anymore, it’s all been done for you, just take the ones you need & start using them as soon as possible & thank me later!

Now I do have to let you know, you know the 112 trial closes I mentioned before, I have a pdf document that has every single one of these trial closes written out for you & for being a loyal reader & subscriber to my newsletter I wanted to give you access to them for FREE today, I have dropped them in the link below, so go ahead & get your copy!

Click Here To Get Your Copy Of The 112 Trial Closes!

P.S. It’s probably wise to mix them up as you don’t want to keep repeating yourself, you don’t want to sound like an idiot or make your prospects feel like idiots, so use multiple & plug them in along your sales presentations.

P.P.S. Let’s Grow, Scale & Sell...



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