How To Make ANYONE Fall In LOVE With You!

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2023

Here's How To Make Sure A Girl NEVER Falls In Love With You!

This is something 99.9% of people do & it is a sure fire way to dry up all of your relationships quicker than

Gandhi's flip flop in the Sahara Desert...

When you walk up to a girl in a bar, you drop a smooth one liner, ask her what's her name, find out a bit more about her, make her laugh, chat her up & pay a genuine interest in her & then...


You ask her for her number & if you've Done all the steps right, she gives it to you! Now it is important you give her phone a call there & then to make sure she hasn't given you a fake number lol, but let's say she has given you her real number...

What happens next?

Then you start to play the game!

You wait a couple of days, Drop her a text, find out a bit more about her, flirt with her & then you ask the next question...

Do you want to meet up for a drink & a bite to eat?

And she says YES!

So you go on a second date, then that turns into a third & before you know it...


A couple of years go passed, so you decide to ask her to move in with you & she says YES!

As time goes passed you then decide to propose to her & guess what?  She says YES again!

So you end up getting engaged then you take the next step & buying a new house together, you move on to get married & then the next step she turns round to you and says...

"I want to have a baby"

So what do you say... YES!

So you end up having kids together & through this entire process you end up having a long-term commitment with each other.

You see, the key here is to have a certain level of restraint in what you say, have a certain level finesse & timing in when you say & ask certain things & most importantly having a constant exchange in value!

For that girl to stand there & talk to you, give you her number, text you back, go on a date with you, move in with you, buy a house with you, marry you & have kids with you, she believes...

That you can add value to her life in some shape or form & she believes this by how you present yourself, how you pay a genuine interest in her, give her your time with no strings attached & have a certain level of  knowing what to say & when to say it to keep her hooked to coming back to you for more & wanting to commit to you Long-term.

But, what most people do nowadays, is walk up to the girl, immediately tell her you love her & slap a kiss on her lips with no consent & in return...


Most people selling their products, slide into your DM's, tell you they love you, try to pull your pants down in hopes of some money falling out & in return they get ghosted or reported!

If you want people to buy your products/services, try find out a little bit more about them & offer FREE value first & before you know it they will soon be married to your business!

Sales is a relationship game not a money game, if you want people to commit to you long-term, give them a reason to see a future with you!

You're trying to develop long-term relationships with your clients, not to bed them as quick as possible just to get what you want, have a certain level of restraint, finesse & pay a genuine interest in them through asking genuine questions that allows them to open up to you.

If you're sending messages to people in hopes of a reply to sell your product/service but aren't getting enough replies & deals closed, feel free to drop me a message with the word 'REALTIONSHIP'

& I will personally send you a PDF of the HIGHEST CONVERTING conversation started for social media selling, that will get you more. replies & ultimately more sales!

Here's where you can message me (Click Below)...

Santino Santoro

Just so you know...

In a couple of weeks I am releasing an enclosed, private email group that ONLY my subscribers to this newsletter will get access to, where I will be sharing the exact strategies & philosophies I use that help me close more deals, allowing me to sell as much as I like.

If you want access to these strategies & the enclosed group, make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button below so you can be included!

Oh & Remember...

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