You're probably thinking...

How is there 5 steps to every single conversation, every conversation is different! What about when I talk to my kids, friends & family, they don't have steps to them... Or do they?

You see every single conversation follows a format & when it comes to sales, the best sales people understand this & consciously use this format to get what they want! And you're probably thinking... 

"Santino what are these 5 steps then?"?

I'll tell you...

So the more you become aware of this the more you will notice the pattern with everyone you speak to & how you can tailor the conversation to get whatever outcome you want!

So The 5 Steps To Every Single Conversation Are...

  1. Introduction
  2. Short Story
  3. presentation
  4. Close
  5. Consolidation

So right now what I want to do is give you a comprehensive break down with some examples of how these 5 steps are the steps that you use every time you have a conversation with someone, so let's get straight to it!


So, we can all agree that at the beginning of a conversation with someone you haven't met you have to introduce yourself, & even when it's someone you already know, you still have to go through the process of saying "Hi, how are you?, work ok?, how's the kids?" And so on...

Introductions tend to be short & get you onto the next step which is the short story, but you can't fault that every time your partner or kids, or friends walk through the door the first thing you do is greet them (Introduction).

Short Story

After the intro you naturally lead into the short story, which in everyday scenarios tends to be the small talk like....

"So the kids have been all right then?" or "What's been happening with work then?"

This will then lead the other person to open up more based on the question you just asked...

"works been a nightmare, kids have been going crazy, have to pick the kids up, have to do X, We're going to X".

Then from here naturally what happens you or the other person tends to ask a question which opens up the conversation in greater depth where you will naturally present & un-pack the topic they asked the question on.

In a sales situation, the short story would be based around qualifying questions, trying to peak your prospects desire, something like...

"John, I'm just ringing because I see you requested more information about X, I understand you want to get X result, am I right in saying?" This will naturally lead your prospect into a response where you can then move into your presentation!.

You see... It all follows the same format.


Now your presentation is where you start to tell the other person more in depth about what happened, what you're going through, what you would do, what you did when you were in their situation, or in a sales situation you would present your product or service a long with the features & benefits for the other person!

After you do your presentation & you unpack your product or service, or your problem & or situation as well as possible solutions, to the other person & you both talk about the situation at length & ask each others opinions, because you need to remember that within a conversation (presentation), you're not just speaking, you're asking questions, having a conversation about that thing with the other person & gauging their views & perspective on that thing, situation, product or service.


You would naturally lead into a close by saying something like...

"What are you going to do do?" or "When are you going to tell him/her" or even "I'd say do it as soon as possible & get it out of the way" or...

"Sounds great right! so did you want to take that now?!" or "Sounds good right! when did you want to get started, soon I take it?"

Things like that is where you lead into the close & in your close you will naturally find out more information, where the other person will say...

"Oh he's working til later so I'll have to tell him then" or "I won't see her till next week so I'll tell her then" or "I'm not sure if I can do that" or something along those lines....

If you were in a sales situation...

"I have to talk to my partner" or "I have to think about it" & so on!

At this point you would then ease their mind or offer a better solution where you would say something like...

"If you wait you'r just going to make it worse, It's better to rip the bandaid off & get it done" or "Ok, what do you need to think about, maybe we could help?"

And from here naturally you will push them to take action now & get it out of the way, or tell the person they need to or even to do what they know they need to, to get to where they want to be to resolve that problem or get the result they want.

Let's say you were...

Trying To Get Your Kids To Do Something For You...

It would go something like this...

"James, Can you come here for a sec (intro)... Did you still want to go to Ryans house for a sleep over? (peak desire) I've just been in your bedroom & noticed it's a little bit un-tidy (short story)... Can you do me a favour, as I know you wanted to go to Ryans house, if you still want to go (bribe) (presentation), can you quickly run up now & give it a clean please! (close)"

This is an extremely effective way to get your kids to do what you want & you can use this with any situation, as we all know that kids always want something (as well as adults)& we always promise them something, its the same as a sales situation, the prospect wants something, so do your kids, when you follow this format it makes the other person do what you need them to, in order for them to naturally get something in return which makes it a win win situation.


After the close, you would then move into the consolidation, so after your son has made his bed, you would then congratulate him, make him feel like he's done something good & reward him in return by taking him to James' house for the sleep over...

If it was a selling situation, after the prospect has signed on the dotted line, or paid for his product or service, you would then give them the product or service & also congratulate them on their purchase, or on their savings or future earnings, making them feel good about themselves.

Say if you're having a conversation with your friend & after you've asked them what they would do or at the end of the conversation (close) you would then say something like... "I hope it all goes well, anyway I'll give you a call later & let me know how it goes, you got this! see you later!"

The consolidation is where you naturally leave the other person feeling in good spirits for talking to you, or doing that thing for you or buying from you, you need to remember...

People always remember the last feeling you gave them, so you want to make sure that you leave them on a good note so when they think of you, they think of positive thoughts associated to you & or your product or service.

You see... Every conversation follows this format & once you understand it to its fullest you can use it in every situation, whether you want to get your point across to a loved one, you want to help a friend, you want someone to do something for you, you want someone to do something for themselves or even by your product or service!


You need to always ask questions along the process, so you know exactly what your talking about & how to angle your presentation to give the best advice possible or to motivate them in the best way to take the action you want them to take.

Without asking questions, you won't know what it is they're going through & what outcome they want & need & once you know these things, you will know exactly what to say to them that will move them in the direction you need them to go.

Every conversation follows this format & now I promise, you will notice it every time you speak to someone or see people engaging in conversation.

Now you are aware of this SUPER POWER, I do kindly ask that you use it ethically & professionally in order to add value to other people & to get them to take action on things that will benefit them more than they benefit you!

By the way...

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Your brother,

Santino Santoro

Oh & remember...

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