How To Strategical & Consistently Earn More Money As A Sales Person!

So, You're reading this newsletter today because you want to know how to create consistent income & consistently close more deals for yourself, am I right in saying?

You're probably experiencing or have experienced the biggest killer of sales people, business owners or any self employed person which is...


Within your first few months on the job you started earning more money than you knew what to do with but then something happened...


The water supply dried up, the crops died & you were left hungry!

You're probably thinking...

How do I know this? Well, have you ever heard the saying... "Been there, got the T-shirt!"

I have that T-shirt  hanging in my office starring me in the face making sure I never experience a famine EVER AGAIN!

Now, As a sales professional, business owner or self employed individual one of the keys to success is having a consistently full pipeline. A full pipeline ensures a steady stream of potential deals & clients, which can lead to consistent earnings.

If you don't know what a pipeline is, because you may be new in sales, don't worry, I have you covered...

A pipeline refers to the potential deals and prospects that a salesperson is working on at any given time, that they focus on building relationships to turn them into buyers or keep them as buyers.

But what happens if your pipeline is not full?

If your pipeline is not full, you may experience inconsistent earnings. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as a lack of new leads coming in, or a slowdown in the sales process for existing leads or even maybe you are focusing so much on the people in your follow up process trying to get the sale, that you neglected to spend time reaching out to new people & finding new deals to add into your follow up process. 

When this happens, it can be difficult to predict your earnings from month to month, which can make it challenging to plan for the future.

In addition to the financial implications, a slow or empty pipeline can also have a negative impact on your motivation and morale. It can be disheartening to work hard without seeing the results in the form of closed deals and steady income.

Having a full pipeline ensures that you always have a steady stream of opportunities to pursue, which can help mitigate the effects of lost or stalled deals. If your pipeline is empty or sparse, you may find yourself struggling to hit your sales targets and experiencing inconsistent earnings.

Here are a few reasons why it's so important to keep your pipeline full:

  • It helps to smooth out the sales cycle. The sales process can be unpredictable, with some deals closing quickly while others take longer to materialize. A full pipeline allows you to focus on multiple deals at once, which can help even out the ups and downs of the sales cycle.
  • It provides a hedge against lost deals. Even the best salespeople lose deals from time to time. Having a full pipeline means that you have a backup plan in place in case a deal falls through. This can help you hit your sales targets and avoid dips in earnings.
  • It allows you to be more strategic in your sales efforts. When you have a full pipeline, you can afford to be choosier about the deals you pursue. This means you can focus on high-quality opportunities and avoid wasting time on low-potential prospects

But that doesn't mean you neglect lower potential opportunities, you still need to make time for them to move them through the sales process, because if they don't buy now, that doesn't mean they won't later, helping you create earnings for the future, incase of a slower period.

So, how do you keep your pipeline full? Here are a few tips:

  • Constantly generate new leads: This can be done through various methods such as networking, cold outreach, and inbound marketing.
  • Follow up on leads promptly: Don't let leads go cold by ignoring them. Stay top of mind by following up in a timely manner.
  • Qualify leads effectively: Don't waste time on leads that are not a good fit for your product or service. Use qualification questions to determine if a lead is worth pursuing.
  • Keep the sales process moving: Stay in touch with leads and move them through the sales process efficiently. Don't let deals drag on for too long or they may lose interest.

By keeping your pipeline full, you can experience consistent earnings and stay motivated as a sales professional helping you have a FEAST every month rather than a FAMINE!

If it helps, I want to show you my prospecting time table & how I approach leads on a daily basis, which allows me to constantly keep my pipeline full & consistently close deals every day, week & month, It's called...

 'The Pipeline Timeline'

And it looks something like this...

9am - 10am - New leads (Building My Pipeline)

10am - 11am - contacted leads (leads not answered) (building my pipeline)

11am - 12pm - Follow ups (building relationships & closing deals) 

12pm - 1pm Refresh & Rotate

1pm - 2pm - New leads (Building My Pipeline)

2pm - 3pm - contacted leads (leads not answered) (building my pipeline)

3pm - 4pm - Follow ups (building relationships & closing deals)

4pm - 5pm -  Admin

5pm - 6pm - New leads & follow ups

By following this process it constantly allows me to build new relationships with people through out the day while touching base with people I have called in previous days to push the sale & by doing this every day it allows me to always have people to follow up on as it creates a snowball effect of having a constant rotation of follow up calls booked in, which means a constant rotation of deals to close, creating consistent income for me & our business.

Now, the reason I make time to call on leads who haven't answered before, is because...

It actually takes up to 8 phone calls to get someone on the phone ONCE!

I've seen it with so many sales people, where someone doesn't answer the phone 2 or 3 times, so they give up on the lead & bury it to their bad leads in their CRM system.

But you need to understand this one thing...

When a number you don't know calls you a couple of times, you tend to not answer in fear of someone interrupting your day to sell you something you're not interested in am I right?

But get this...

When we notice a number constantly call us over a certain period of time, we start to familiarise with that number & we start to think...

"This number keeps on calling me, Maybe it's actually important, let me answer it this time..."

& BOOM! 

Just like that you get another lead into your sales cycle, I've seen it so many times where people are wondering why their conversions are so low or why so many people don't answer, it's because they don't understand this math!

Now, If you are interested in finding out what the best prospecting methods are, how to strategical use all these methods to ensure you have consistent earnings helping you SELL MORE, In a couple of weeks I am releasing an enclosed, private email group that ONLY my subscribers to this newsletter will get access to, where I will be sharing the exact strategies & philosophies I use that help me close more deals, allowing me to sell as much as I like.

If you want access to these strategies & the enclosed group, make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button below so you can be included!

Oh & Remember...

Let's Grow, Scale & Sell...



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