First of all I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to you my subscriber & reader for taking the tie out to read my weekly newsletters & I really do hope they add value to you on a weekly basis!

Todays newsletter is all about the secret that the highest earners in the world use to monetise their success & strategy pays the HIGHEST Dividends.

Thing is there is loads of strategies that pay high returns, but this ONE strategy is the one that I see I the most common in every industry with the highest earners & top performers in the world that keep people RACING to them with their money!

And we have all been guilty of it, we run to these people & don't even question their products or service, we just run & pay any price they ask, sometimes we don't even take the time out to look into their products in depth, we just run with cash in hand ready to put into their pockets!

So, what is this secret I'm talking about & why does it make us RUN to these people & throw are money into their pockets, NO QUESTIONS ASKED?!

The secret behind their success & monetising their success is...


That's right reputation & you may be think, huh?

Let me put this into perspective for you...

Think about Tony Robbins for a minute, how many events does he sell out a year? How thrilled would you be if someone bought you a ticket to Tony Robbins' events? You would be ecstatic am I right?


Because he's got a great reputation & has proven successes to change your life for the better, he's got an abundance of success stories & works & as worked with the biggest leaders in the WORLD!

He's built his reputation up so much that people run to him with money in hand & don't even question the price he asks for because of...


You see... What Tony Robbins & others like him understand that REPUTATION PAYS THE BEST DIVIDENDS.

They understand that if they genuinely add value to people & change peoples lives rather than trying to sell them something for a quick commission & offer no service, the impact they will have on other peoples lives will make the other people promote him & remember word of mouth is a VERY powerful marketing strategy, we trust people we know & their experiences, so if we know someone who has been to a Tony event & loved it, it makes us want to do it too!

Here's the math on a great reputation...

  •  1 Happy Client Can Bring You Up To 5 New Clients
  •  1 Un-Happy Client Can Lose You Up To 15 New Clients

Here's an analogy...

If you're friend went to a barber & got a bad haircut, you would ask him "where did you get your haircut"... when he tells you, you're going to take a mental note & say to yourself "Well I won't be going there" but...

If he got a really good haircut, you would either go & see his barber for the same haircut, or if your barber was away you would take a mental not & go see him because you know he has a good reputation for giving a good haircut.

When you're selling something it's the same, the person who tries to quickly make a commission 'by hook or by crook' will naturally damage their reputation long term because they don't have offering value & service at the forefront of their mind, so over time they get less & less repeat customers & recommendations, because they don't impact peoples lives or go the extra mile after they have made a sale.

But the person who puts service & value at the forefront of their sales & business process will naturally get more repeat customers & recommendations because they go the extra mile for their clients & intentionally pile on the value & service to their clients which boosts their reputation.

Whenever conducting business its always important to ask yourself, when making an important decision "Is this going to build my reputation or damage it?" If it's going to build your reputation, it's always worth doing & if it's going to damage your reputation it's NEVER worth doing, the goal is longevity & having a client base for years to come, short term results gives short term success.

Even if it means sacrificing income today because it damages your reputation than so be it again it's a simple math equation...

I would rather sacrifice 5 - 10 years of my life adding MASS amounts of value to people for FREE if that means that people will pay me any price I ask the other 40 - 50 years of my life rather than...

Earning somewhat great money for 5 - 10 years by hook or by crook, but damaging my reputation within that 10 years which means no one buys from me for the other 50 years of my life.

Success is a simple math equation & then you have to make the decision of what route you are prepared to go down.

I hope this weeks newsletter helped shine light on how important reputation is & how you need to guard it with your life.

If you have any questions or have any topics you would like me to cover in upcoming newsletters, feel free to email me at...

[email protected]

By the way...

If you're someone who wants to learn the most effective frameworks to better communicate with people & how to be more persuasive, as well as learning how to sell & earn more...

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to this newsletter & SHARE it with your friends because in a few weeks I will be releasing an enclosed FREE group where I will be sharing my highest converting communication & persuasive frameworks & the top persuasion & negotiation as well as body language techniques the top 1% of leaders use, to all of my subscribers & my subscribers only, completely free of charge!

So make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button below this post & SHARE this with your friends to gain access to this enclosed group!

Your brother,

Santino Santoro

Oh & remember...

Let's Grow, Scale & Sell..



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