Cutting through the Sales Noise: The Simple Art of Being Direct

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2023

One guru says this, another guru says that…

And before you know it you don’t know who to listen to, am I right?

The world is saturated with guru’s teaching you what may work for them but doesn’t work for everyone!

Selling is not one size fits all, it’s dissecting different strategies, testing them and finding which ones best suit your personality type.

Grant says this, Jeremy says that, Andy says something something else and has a completely different approach and before you know it your sales pitch just sounds like total waffle

So what is the correct method?

Through selling for my entire career over the last 10 years I have found that there is only one strategy that is COMPLETETLY FOOL PROOF, and that is…

Just be direct!

When someone asks you a question, answer it directly, if you feel someone isn’t the right fit, tell them directly, if someone asks price or has an objection, attack it head on and answer it directly like you would your...

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From Novice to $25,000 in Sales in 1 Month! A Success Story

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2023

Want to know how someone with no experience in sales closed just over $25,000 in their first month of sales?


So I recently had a training with a client who wanted to get started in high ticket sales, he had never had any experience in sales previously, however…


He knew that the quickest and best way to earn a good living was through sales so…


He approached me and asked me to train him for a month, we covered everything from:

- script writing

- pitch practice

- Objection handling

- Tonality

- Voice rhythm


We trained twice a week for an entire month and before you know it… He was ready!


Within his first month he quickly went off and closed $25,000 in cash collected! I jumped on a call with him the other day and asked him…

How’s your follow up going? And he said, what follow up?


Turns out he closed all these deals on their first call and I said to him, if you’ve done that on the first call, did you...

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Mastering the Art of High-Ticket Sales: A Surprising Revelation in Pricing

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2023

I had a sales call recently with a prospect, and their response after I disclosed the price was quite unexpected: "I didn't realize it was going to be that low!" Now, for those who know my sales style, they understand that I primarily deal with high-ticket items, typically starting at £2,500 or more.


Why did this prospect react this way? Let me provide some deeper insights into my approach:


At the outset of our conversation, I made it clear that our range of products and services encompassed options that spanned from £20,000 and below.


In addition to this, I shared my candid perspective with the prospect, stating, "Personally speaking, I don't think you'd need them right away. If you want them, that's great, but honestly, I don't think you would need them immediately."


This initial exchange served several strategic purposes. First and foremost, it subtly planted the idea in the prospect's mind to expect higher price points, particularly with...

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The Art of Persuasion: Educating Leads to Transform Sales Objections

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2023

In the dynamic world of sales, objections are an inherent part of the process. The ability to navigate and overcome objections can be the difference between closing a deal and losing a potential customer. Among the myriad of objections you may encounter, there are three core factors that often lead people to say "no":

Doubts About Effectiveness: Prospects may harbor doubts about whether your product or service will genuinely deliver the promised results. These doubts can stem from past disappointments, skepticism, or simply a lack of understanding about how your offering works.

Lack of Confidence in Implementation: Some leads may believe in your product but feel uncertain about their own ability to effectively implement it. They may fear that they lack the necessary skills, resources, or time to make it work for them.

Financial Hurdles: Affordability is a common objection. Prospects might genuinely see the value in what you're offering but hesitate due to budget...

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The Journey to Sales Success: The Power of Sales Prospecting

In the bustling world of sales, there's a lot of salespeople who have a burning desire to succeed in their careers, but not many understand that mastering the art and science of sales prospecting was is ticket to achieving greatness.

Why it Matters:

When I started in sales I understood that sales prospecting was the heartbeat of this profession. It was the key to unlocking a world of opportunities, and here's why it matters so much:

Nurturing the Sales Pipeline: I realised that to keep a sales pipeline flowing smoothly, I needed to continuously find new potential customers. These fresh leads were like streams feeding into a river, driving conversions and revenue for the business.

Efficient Resource Allocation: I knew that time is the most precious resource. I couldn't afford to waste it on leads that weren't likely to convert. Prospecting helped me allocate my sales efforts where they were most likely to yield results, ensuring that every minute counted.

Market Expansion: in my...

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The EASIEST SALE You'll Ever Make!

Listen up!

Because I'm about to drop some serious knowledge bombs on you & you're not gonna know what hit ya!

Are you ready? Good!

Because we're going to talk about the importance of upselling to your current clients and why it's...


Let's face it...

Selling to someone who already loves your product or service is like shooting fish in a barrel.

These people are already loyal to your brand and trust you, so it's a no-brainer to offer them more things to make their lives even better.

And the best part?...

They'll actually thank you for it!

But here's the thing...

You should never just sell to them once and stop there.

That's like eating one Dorito and calling it a day, it's just not gonna happen...

It's important for the longevity of your business and the satisfaction of your customers that you constantly upsell to them and give them new tools and offers that build upon the original thing you sold them.

Think of it like a value ladder...

You start...

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How I Started A Business With ÂŁ0.00!!

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2023

Wanna know how I started my sales training business with none of my own money & how I generated enough money to pay myself for the year, get my first employee & scale my business all in one month?

Strap in your seatbelts because you're about to get hit with some bootstrapping game on how I did it & how you can do it too...

So If you don't know my background, I started selling internet at the age of 17, hated that, became a barber, quickly helped the UK's biggest barbering company scale & sell more products & increase their bookings, opened a private training academy with them & took them from nothing but an idea to £1.3 mil in 6 months flat, scaled then exited...

I utilised my sales skills, knowledge, experience & systems I had developed over the last 10 years to do this...

I had a pot of cash to invest in my next endeavours but I thought the smart & fun thing to do would be...


And that's what I did...

I set...

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Leaving Money On The Table? Why Every Business Should Upsell!

Are you leaving money on the table?...

Ever heard the phrase...

"The easiest sale you'll ever make"?...

Imagine this scenario...

You walk into a coffee shop and order a latte. The barista tells you...

"Would you like to add a shot of vanilla syrup for an extra 50 cents?"

You think about it for a second and say... "Sure, why not?"... Congratulations, you just got upsold.

Well, when it comes to upselling to your current clients, that phrase rings true!

Upselling is the act of offering your clients additional products or services that complement what they're already purchasing from you.

It's a strategy that has been used by businesses for decades, and for good reason... IT WORKS!

Imagine you run a coffee shop now...

Your regular customers come in every day and order their favourite cup of coffee, you notice that some of them always order a pastry to go with it. This is a prime opportunity for upselling...

You could suggest a new pastry that they might enjoy or offer them a discount if...

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Is Cold Calling Really Dead?

Have you ever heard the saying...

"Cold calling is dead!"...

Well guess what...

It's a complete & utter LIE!

The only people who say that, are people who are TERRIFIED of rejection & too scared to pick up the phone & start dialling!

And there's a few other reasons that go along with that like...

They're just not good at it!

Maybe they lack confidence in their product or service, or they struggle with objection handling.

Maybe they just don't have a good script or they're not personable on the phone.

Cold calling, the bane of many salespeople's existence.

But don't let their fear and lack of skill fool you, cold calling is still an essential part of sales.

Would you believe me when I tell you cold calling is still one of the most effective ways to make serious BANK in sales?

I still cold call everyday btw!

Think about it this way, people are so use to these internet guru's taking their money without even taking the time out to actually build a relationship with them...


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So today...

I wanted to give you a nugget of GOLD that will literally help your sales & business EXPLODE!

You ready?...

I hope so, fasten your seatbelt, tighten your pants, put your phone on airplane mode because...

There's about to be a serious knowledge bomb dropped on your lap & get this...

You can pull the pin & use it to your advantage or you can leave the pin in & let it rust in an old cabinet in a bunker, somewhere down under...

So let's get into it shall we?...

Basically, I get a lot of business owners ask me, what are the benefits of tightening your entire sales process & I know you might be thinking that too, so I just wanted to let you know quickly, as it may help you take your business to the next level...

The thing is, they say...

Marketing & sales is the same for any & every business, it's just the product that's different, whether thats a course, a physical product, education, Coca Cola, McDonald's, cars, ANYTHING & you know...

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