Leaving Money On The Table? Why Every Business Should Upsell!

Are you leaving money on the table?...

Ever heard the phrase...

"The easiest sale you'll ever make"?...

Imagine this scenario...

You walk into a coffee shop and order a latte. The barista tells you...

"Would you like to add a shot of vanilla syrup for an extra 50 cents?"

You think about it for a second and say... "Sure, why not?"... Congratulations, you just got upsold.

Well, when it comes to upselling to your current clients, that phrase rings true!

Upselling is the act of offering your clients additional products or services that complement what they're already purchasing from you.

It's a strategy that has been used by businesses for decades, and for good reason... IT WORKS!

Imagine you run a coffee shop now...

Your regular customers come in every day and order their favourite cup of coffee, you notice that some of them always order a pastry to go with it. This is a prime opportunity for upselling...

You could suggest a new pastry that they might enjoy or offer them a discount if they purchase both the coffee and the pastry...

Your customers are already spending money with you, so getting them to spend a little more is an easy win.

Remember, it's important to get your clients in the habit of constantly spending money with you.

If they have a good experience with you and see the value in what you offer, they will keep coming back for more. And when you consistently offer them new products or services, they will begin to expect it and look forward to it.

But why is upselling so important?

For starters, it's an excellent way to increase revenue without having to acquire new customers.

It's much easier to sell to someone who is already familiar with your brand and trusts you than it is to convince a new customer to give you a chance. Plus, getting your clients in the habit of constantly spending money with you can help build long-term loyalty and keep them coming back for more.

However, it's essential to remember that people will always buy from you unless you do two things...

  1. Stop selling to them and...
  2. Offend them.

That's why it's crucial to always be looking for opportunities to upsell to your current clients because If you don't...


Let's take a look at another example...

You run a boutique clothing store. One of your regular clients comes in looking for a new outfit for a special occasion. You show her a few options, and she settles on a dress.

This is another perfect opportunity for upselling...

You could suggest a matching clutch or a pair of shoes that would complement the dress.

You might even offer her a discount if she purchases all three items together. By doing so, you're not only increasing your revenue, but you're also providing a better shopping experience for your customer.

In conclusion, upselling is a powerful tool that should be in every business owner's arsenal. It's an easy way to increase revenue, build loyalty, and provide a better experience for your customers.

So don't be afraid to suggest additional products or services to your current clients. Remember, the easiest sale you'll ever make is to someone who already trusts and values what you offer...

Now, for a little upsell of my own...

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Look forward to seeing you in there...

And remember...

Let's Grow, Scale & Sell...

Your Brother,

Santino Santoro



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