How I Started A Business With £0.00!!

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2023

Wanna know how I started my sales training business with none of my own money & how I generated enough money to pay myself for the year, get my first employee & scale my business all in one month?

Strap in your seatbelts because you're about to get hit with some bootstrapping game on how I did it & how you can do it too...

So If you don't know my background, I started selling internet at the age of 17, hated that, became a barber, quickly helped the UK's biggest barbering company scale & sell more products & increase their bookings, opened a private training academy with them & took them from nothing but an idea to £1.3 mil in 6 months flat, scaled then exited...

I utilised my sales skills, knowledge, experience & systems I had developed over the last 10 years to do this...

I had a pot of cash to invest in my next endeavours but I thought the smart & fun thing to do would be...


And that's what I did...

I set out a 5 phase plan to go from 0 to in business with paying customers in 1 month using none of my own money, & it went like this...

  1. Create A Following
  2. Funnel The Following To My Database
  3. Offer Value In Exchange A Free Offer
  4. Upsell Additional Services/Offers & Value (Self Liquidate)
  5. Re-invest In Creative Campaign To Generate Warmer Audience To Sell To

I was selling a serviced based business to both B2C & B2B clients (sales training), so I created a customer avatar, figured out, what social platform my ideal clients are on and went from there...

My ideal customer would of spent most of the time on most of the social platforms but for bootstrapping purposes I knew LinkedIn was the one for me, so...

I created my LinkedIn page, created a newsletter (This one) & started writing about topics on sales & offering free value, I then posted it into EVERY single group page around sales every day & got subscribers on top of maxing out my connections who automatically get an invite to the newsletter...

From there I built my following then at the bottom of the newsletters I added a link to a quick slap up landing page I had created where I could capture my subscribers email addresses...

Signed up for a free 30 day trial for Aweber (email marketing software), created a 5 day email campaign offering free value over 5 days, added a Calendly link on day 4 & 5 & pushed leads to book a call, they booked...

Then I sold my services (sales training & system implementation) upwards of £4,000 & in the first month I netted £12,564, took that money...

Created 'The Sales Secret Objection Handler' Booklet & put ads behind that on Facebook & Instagram (with the money the clients paid me), generated leads through my FREE ebook offer & repeated the process generating another £8,620 in month 2 by calling these leads & selling to them...

And that's how I went from 0 to in business in literally a month flat using none of my own money just hardcore output & resources & have been able to scale beyond this and help more people with sales & growing their own businesses & earnings & if you're someone who's toying with the idea of starting your own business...

You don't need a massive pot of money to start, you just need a vision, a clear strategy & the resilience & courage to persist and take action, obviously being skilled in things like sales helps to upsell to your leads to generate the revenue but as long as you've got the idea and the courage...

You're good to go!

So, why am I telling you this?

Because, if you're someone who wants to start your own business, I want to help you with that, I want to show you how you can go from idea to in business in no time...

Which is why I have dropped a link below where you can book in a call directly with me so we can create your business plan and get you customers within the next 30 days...

Click Here To Book Your Free Strategy Call!

Go ahead, the calendar gets booked up quick & you definitely don't want to waste time, this day next month you could have a business...

Your brother,

Santino Santoro

P.S. Let's Grow, Scale & Sell...



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