So, you're probably thinking...

"What's this magic trick that get's anyone to say YES to you?"

Just to let you know it's not a magic trick & you don't need to be a super Sayan salesperson to pull this off.

All you need to do is learn one trick & one trick alone that will help you close more deals in sales.

So what is that trick you ask?

Ok it's not a trick its an easy technique that anyone can learn & add into their sales conversation, so what is it?


What are trial closes exactly?

Trial closes are small closes & questions you slot into every conversation & or sales encounter to test your prospects warmth & to also get them in the habit of saying yes to you because...

Human beings are creatures of habit, & habits are formed & once they are formed, they are very hard to break!

So, whenever you engage in conversation with someone especially in a sales situation & you want to genuinely help someone resolve their problems by way of your...

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Ok, so todays newsletter is all about giving you some serious sales tactics that F***king WORK!

No fluff, just pure tactics to help you SELLMORE!

So here goes...

Selling is a delicate balance of understanding what to say and when to say it, am I right in saying?

One of the most important aspects of selling especially cold calling is asking the right questions. Asking questions not only helps you understand your prospect's needs and pain points, but it also helps build rapport and trust. By asking questions, you can gather important information about your prospect's budget, decision-making process, and buying habits.

Now when you ask your prospects questions it's important you let your prospect speak, collect the data, address what they just said, talk about that for a second & use that to lead you into your next question & how by doing this it helps build rapport, helps you know how to sell to your prospects, what to sell them & what their affordability may be, whilst...

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Sell Like A Doctor

Have you ever thought about how open & honest we are with doctors, even if we have never met them before, but when we go to them, we tell them & show them things that are extremely personal, that we probably wouldn't tell anyone, even the people closest to us?

Quite interesting right?

But have you ever asked yourself, why you find it easier to open up to a doctor & let them know about your problems so transparently?

My answer to that is...

Because they are perceived as non-judgemental professionals who are there to do their job & solve your problem.

You see, people defer to professionals & open up to those who they feel can help them solve their problems.

Doctors have a great ability at a number of things...

First of all, they're great at detaching from their emotions & remaining neutral which is extremely important to getting your clients to open up to you.

When you remain neutral & slightly detached it shows that you are just there to do your job, solve...

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 First of all I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to you my subscriber & reader for taking the tie out to read my weekly newsletters & I really do hope they add value to you on a weekly basis!

Todays newsletter is all about the secret that the highest earners in the world use to monetise their success & strategy pays the HIGHEST Dividends.

Thing is there is loads of strategies that pay high returns, but this ONE strategy is the one that I see I the most common in every industry with the highest earners & top performers in the world that keep people RACING to them with their money!

And we have all been guilty of it, we run to these people & don't even question their products or service, we just run & pay any price they ask, sometimes we don't even take the time out to look into their products in depth, we just run with cash in hand ready to put into their pockets!

So, what is this secret I'm talking about & why does it make us RUN to these people...

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