So today...

I wanted to give you a nugget of GOLD that will literally help your sales & business EXPLODE!

You ready?...

I hope so, fasten your seatbelt, tighten your pants, put your phone on airplane mode because...

There's about to be a serious knowledge bomb dropped on your lap & get this...

You can pull the pin & use it to your advantage or you can leave the pin in & let it rust in an old cabinet in a bunker, somewhere down under...

So let's get into it shall we?...

Basically, I get a lot of business owners ask me, what are the benefits of tightening your entire sales process & I know you might be thinking that too, so I just wanted to let you know quickly, as it may help you take your business to the next level...

The thing is, they say...

Marketing & sales is the same for any & every business, it's just the product that's different, whether thats a course, a physical product, education, Coca Cola, McDonald's, cars, ANYTHING & you know...

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The Un-Faithful Marriage Of Marketing & Sales! (Does This Ring A Wedding Bell?)

Right guys...

Today, we want to talk about something that's so taboo that your parents might not agree with this relationship & may have end up arranging the marriage for you themselves!

You know what I'm talking about...

It's a conversation that's always swept under the rug, especially in business.

Everyone wants to pretend it's not an important conversation, but no one wants to face the big fat hairy woolly mammoth in the room!

And that is...

The importance of sales and marketing teams working together!

Yes, I know what you're thinking...

"Sales & Marketing? The odd couple of the business world?"

The couple at the wedding in the corner that don't really like each other but they know...

They'd be lost without each other, so they put their differences aside just for the kids!

But, hold on, we're about to turn that notion on its head and show you why these two teams should be best friends & wedded in holy matrimony, till death do them part.

You see, sales and marketing...

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You're probably thinking...

How is there 5 steps to every single conversation, every conversation is different! What about when I talk to my kids, friends & family, they don't have steps to them... Or do they?

You see every single conversation follows a format & when it comes to sales, the best sales people understand this & consciously use this format to get what they want! And you're probably thinking... 

"Santino what are these 5 steps then?"?

I'll tell you...

So the more you become aware of this the more you will notice the pattern with everyone you speak to & how you can tailor the conversation to get whatever outcome you want!

So The 5 Steps To Every Single Conversation Are...

  1. Introduction
  2. Short Story
  3. presentation
  4. Close
  5. Consolidation

So right now what I want to do is give you a comprehensive break down with some examples of how these 5 steps are the steps that you use every time you have a conversation with someone, so let's get straight to it!


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