Is Cold Calling Really Dead?

Have you ever heard the saying...

"Cold calling is dead!"...

Well guess what...

It's a complete & utter LIE!

The only people who say that, are people who are TERRIFIED of rejection & too scared to pick up the phone & start dialling!

And there's a few other reasons that go along with that like...

They're just not good at it!

Maybe they lack confidence in their product or service, or they struggle with objection handling.

Maybe they just don't have a good script or they're not personable on the phone.

Cold calling, the bane of many salespeople's existence.

But don't let their fear and lack of skill fool you, cold calling is still an essential part of sales.

Would you believe me when I tell you cold calling is still one of the most effective ways to make serious BANK in sales?

I still cold call everyday btw!

Think about it this way, people are so use to these internet guru's taking their money without even taking the time out to actually build a relationship with them...


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Ok, so todays newsletter is all about giving you some serious sales tactics that F***king WORK!

No fluff, just pure tactics to help you SELLMORE!

So here goes...

Selling is a delicate balance of understanding what to say and when to say it, am I right in saying?

One of the most important aspects of selling especially cold calling is asking the right questions. Asking questions not only helps you understand your prospect's needs and pain points, but it also helps build rapport and trust. By asking questions, you can gather important information about your prospect's budget, decision-making process, and buying habits.

Now when you ask your prospects questions it's important you let your prospect speak, collect the data, address what they just said, talk about that for a second & use that to lead you into your next question & how by doing this it helps build rapport, helps you know how to sell to your prospects, what to sell them & what their affordability may be, whilst...

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