HOW WILL THE ECONOMY EFFECT SALES IN 2023?! - Here's How Your Business Can Survive...


If you're reading this you're probably wondering...

What has the economy really got in store for us business owners & sales professionals in 2023?

And you're probably also thinking...

  • Will sales dry up for businesses?
  • Will businesses survive?
  • Is it going to be harder to make sales?

Well I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

I have been selling for nearly 10 years now & I have sold in B2B & B2C industries & the one thing I have learned is that no matter the economy...



What they buy & how they buy things, changes.

Because the economy effects everyone in some shape or form, it also effects their buying decisions & people start to weigh up the pros & cons of their purchases & because of the mentality shift in peoples minds it means us as business owners & sales professionals need to shift how we sell things, meaning...

We need to find new ways to position our offers within the new economy & how we can change the angle of our sales pitch.

It's important to note...

People make all of their decisions, buying decisions included, based on 2 core factors, which are...

  1. Moving towards pleasure
  2. Moving away from pain

If you are selling cars for example & someone says they are sick & tired of walking, getting the bus & asking for lifts, they're making their buying decision to move away from pain, but...

If they want an upgrade, new gadgets, to go faster & to look the part, they are moving towards pleasure...

Hence the sales pitch & the offering of the product itself would change based on the clients needs. It's the same with the ever changing economy, you need to figure out exactly what your clients needs are moving forward & how you can tailor your products & services to meet those needs.

The businesses that solve the most problems & serves the most people WINS no matter the economy. The best businesses figure out how to re-position their offers so that people are still spending their money with them habitually.

The needs of people will change but that doesn't mean they will stop spending, spending is habitual, people will just gravitate towards whatever fulfils their wants & needs at the given time. so it is important we figure out how we can best help & serve people moving into 2023 so that...

1. We can continue to add value to our clients

2. We can not just survive the economical downturn, but come out on top!

I hope this newsletter helps & I will continue to release them biweekly in hopes of adding as much value to you as I possibly can.

P.S. If you thought this blog was valuable, go ahead & join our newsletter on our website for more FREE sales tips & tricks.

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